Sunday, August 24, 2014

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Help your students become 21st century thinkers! Developed for grades 3-5, this resource provides teachers with strategies to build every student's mastery of high-level thinking skills, promote active learning, and encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and create. Model lessons are provided as they integrate strategy methods including questioning, decision-making, creative thinking, problem solving, and idea generating.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Towards Equity in Mathematics Education: Gender, Culture, and Diversity (Google eBook)

This volume gathers together twenty major chapters that tackle a variety of issues associated with equity in mathematics education along the dimensions of gender, culture, curriculum diversity, and matters of a biological nature. 

The pursuit of equity in mathematics education is an important concern in the history of the present. Since there is no doubt about the significant role of mathematics in almost every aspect of life, it means that all individuals regardless of sex, in any age range, and in whatever context need to be provided with an opportunity to become mathematically able. 

The publication of this Springer volume on equity in mathematics education is situated at a time when there is strong and sustained research evidence indicating the persistence of an equity gap in mathematics, which has now enabled the mathematics education community to engage in a discourse of access for all.  The research studies that are reported and discussed in the volume have been drawn from an international group of distinguished scholars whose impressive, forward-looking, and thought-provoking perspectives on relevant issues incite, broaden, and expand complicated conversations on how we might effectively achieve equity in mathematics education at the local, institutional, and systemic levels. Further, the up-to-date research knowledge in the field that is reflected in this volume provides conceptual and practical outlines for mechanisms of change, including models, examples, and usable theories that can inform the development of powerful equitable practices and the mobilization of meaningful equity interventions in different contexts of mathematics education.​

PISA Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA (Free e-book)

Mathematics Teaching and Learning Strategies in PISA uses data from the PISA 2003 assessment to examine the relationships between teaching strategies, student learning strategies and mathematics achievement. The report aims to identify instructional practices and learning strategies that contribute to increased achievement in mathematics and general knowledge. It then explains how these strategies may be related to different countries’ school system structures. This report offers policy insights and stimulates new research to complement and further develop the recent OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the upcoming PISA 2012 assessment, which will again focus on mathematics. In addition, this report may be of interest to teachers, educators and officials within national and local educational authorities responsible for the professional development of teachers or for programme development, as well as members of school boards and parent advisory bodies.

Teaching Secondary Mathematics with ICT

This is a book all mathematics teachers and teacher educators should read! It brings together a wealth of insights from a range of authors... The major issues confronting teachers of mathematics who wish to use ICT in different domains of mathematics are addressed in a clear and accessible way." Professor Celia Hoyles OBE, Dean of Research and Consultancy, Institute of Education, University of London Teaching Secondary Mathematics with ICT shows the reader how to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effectively to enhance the teaching of mathematics in the secondary school. The book explains which forms of technology can be used to improve mathematics teaching and learning, how to get started and where to go for further information. The first two chapters provide a useful introduction for those new to teaching mathematics with ICT. Further chapters cover topics including: ICT and the curriculum: number, algebra, geometry and statistics Making use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom Using the internet and video-conferencing to enhance teaching The book includes practical classroom scenarios and case studies (for example, the government-funded MathsAlive! Initiative), as well as discussions of general issues, such as the role of feedback and the use of ICT in whole-class teaching. It draws on current research and is supplemented by a linked web site, which provides access to demonstration copies of software and sample files. It also includes a directory of resources with lists of organisations, web sites, projects and further reading. Key reading for Education students specialising in Mathematics and all those teaching secondary mathematics, including non-specialists and those on professional development courses.

You also can visit the text-supporting website:

Five Standards for Effective Teaching: How to Succeed with All Learners

This book focuses on five essential pedagogy standards for guiding teaching practice in classrooms with diverse students, including English learners. Providing key indicators for each standard along with the theoretical rationale and "best practice" strategies, the book offers teachers invaluable guidance for enhancing language, literacy, thinking, and content learning across the curricula. It also provides advice on creating classroom groupings for differentiating lessons and activities and includes extensive examples of practices from real-life classrooms. 

Dalton, S. S. (2008). Five standards for effective teaching: How to 

succeed with all learners, grades 
K-8. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint.

Pendidikan Untuk Semua

Pendidikan Untuk Semua

Akses kepada pendidikan merangkumi peluang-peluang pendidikan prasekolah, rendah, menengah dan tertiari. Bagi memastikan matlamat ini tercapai, peningkatan kemudahan asas, infrastruktur dan kemudahan fizikal harus dilakukan secara menyeluruh dan berterusan.

Secara keseluruhan, pembangunan pendidikan dalam tempoh 50 tahun merdeka telah berjaya mencapai banyak kemajuan, khususnya dalam penyediaan infrastruktur, penawaran kurikulum, dan latihan perguruan. 

Pembangunan tersebut memberi tumpuan kepada akses kepada pendidikan, ekuiti dalam pendidikan, kualiti dalam pendidikan, dan kecekapan dan keberkesanan pengurusan pendidikan. Sistem pendidikan di Malaysia mengalami perubahan yang pesat, terutamanya bagi memenuhi keperluan untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dan tuntutan globalisasi terhadap peluasan akses kepada pendidikan tinggi.

SKPM Standard 4: Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Berkesan

SKPM Standard 4: Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran Berkesan

Berdasarkan kepada Model Sekolah Berkesan dan Model Penaziran Kemenjadian Murid serta teori dan model yang lain, JNJK telah menggubal SKPM 2010 (Standard Kualiti Pendidikan Malaysia) sebagai rujukan kepada penilaian kualiti sekolah di Malaysia, yang mengandungi 5 Standard yang perlu dicapai iaitu:

Standard 1 : Kepimpinan dan Hala Tuju
Standard 2 : Pengurusan Organisasi
Standard 3 : Pengurusan Kurikulum, Kokurikulum dan Sukan, dan Hal Ehwal Murid
Standard 4 : Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran
Standard 5 : Kemenjadian Murid

Saya ingin memfokuskan kepada Standard 4 iaitu piawaian yang lebih menjurus kepada peranan guru dalam memberikan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang berkualiti tinggi. Aspek-aspek yang diperincikan dalam Standard 4 ini ternyata boleh membawa kita ke arah menghasilkan guru-guru yang berkualiti tinggi yang kreatif dan berinovasi. Sekira para guru mempraktikan aspek-aspek yang diperincikan ini, pasti dapat meningkatkan kualiti seseorang guru.

i-Think pupuk kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi

Program i-THINK (THINKING SCHOOL) Program i-Think merupakan program yang bertujuan mempertingkat dan membudayakan kemahiran berfikir dalam kalangan murid ke arah menghasilkan murid berinovatif. 

Dapatan melalui kajian keperluan (needs analysis) menunjukkan bahawa kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (higher order thinking skill – HOTS) dalam kalangan guru dan murid di Malaysia amat rendah. 

Sehubungan itu, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan memacu inovasi negara, bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) untuk merealisasikan impian tersebut. 

Bagaimana Program i-Think dilaksanakan Pihak AIM telah melantik perunding Kestrel Education (UK) untuk mengendalikan kursus bagi program i-Think. Antara alat berfikir yang akan diperkenalkan termasuklah thinking maps, habits of mind, thinking hats, dan Q-matrix charts. 

Apakah yang diharapkan dari Program i-Think? • Dengan menggunakan alat berfikir (thinking tools), murid lebih fokus, berkeyakinan dan aktif di dalam kelas. • Aktiviti banyak berpusatkan murid. • Prestasi murid meningkat selepas menggunakan alat berfikir dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran. • Hubungan guru dengan murid lebih rapat kerana guru lebih banyak berperanan sebagai fasilitator. Lapan Peta pemikiran: 1. Peta Bulatan 2. Peta Buih 3. Peta Buih Berganda 4. Peta Dakap 5. Peta Pokok6 6. Peta Alir 7. Peta Pelbagai Alir 8. Peta Titi

10 Cara Kreatif Untuk Mengajar Matematik

Malaysia seperti mana juga negara-negara lain sentiasa membuat perubahan kepada sistem pendidikannya supaya berjaya melahirkan generasi yang berupaya bersaing di pentas dunia. Dalam

proses menyeberangi zaman industri kepada zaman maklumat ini, sistem pendidikan kita sedang menyaksikan perubahan pada beberapa aspek dalam amalan pengajaran. Sekiranya dahulu guru dilihat sebagai pembekal maklumat, sekarang guru diminta membekalkan pelajar dengan tugasan yang mencabar yang memerlukan mereka menjalankan penyiasatan serta menganalisis data dan keputusan.

Guru umpama arkitek dan pengunis yang berpcngalaman dalam proses pengajaran. Pengajaran dahulu juga banyak disertai dengan penyoalan oleh guru tetapi soalan-soalan hanya setakat memanggil semula maklumat iaitu yang berada pada aras rendah.

Kurikulum matematik sekarang diberi nafas baru di mana pendekatan kepada pengajaran adalah yang menggunakan inkuiri, pendekatan pengajaran pembelajaran yang berasaskan fahaman konstruktivis.Justeru itu, penyoalan oleh guru masih relevan tetapi jenis soalan yang digunakan adalah yang berada pada aras yang tinggi yang mampu merangsang penaakulan saintifik yang dinamis. Tetapi mungkin perubahan yang nyata dapat dilihat terletak pada penggunaan sumber pendidikan iaitu terdapat perubahan daripada penggunaan media cetak kepada sumber multimedia khususnya teknologi yang berasaskan komputer.